Safety of Adult Stem Cell Therapy Demonstrated for First Time in US

The United States continues to lag far behind when it comes to treating patients with adult stem cells. Long in the grip of embryonic stem cell scientists, the medical and regulatory establishments in the US have refused to recognize adult stem cell therapy as the new medicine, even though many countries are now routinely treating patients successfully.

But now, a clinical research paper published September 2017 demonstrated few if any side effects in the treatment of 676 patients with a variety of illnesses including Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, ALS, traumatic brain injury, progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, dementia, stroke, diabetes, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s/colitis, heart disease, kidney disease, polymyositis, psoriasis, osteoarthritis, acute tendon/ ligament injuries, and degenerative disc disease.  As noted by famed stem cell clinician Kristin Comella, “We conducted our study at multiple treatment centers in the United States, and the results demonstrate overwhelmingly that this new type of patient-specific medical treatment is safe.” 

Dr. Walter P. Drake, one of the co-authors, called Kristin Comella “the most important adult stem cell clinical scientist in the US, Dr. Comella continues to advance stem cell therapy for the benefit of patients”.   He further said of her work: “This is a blockbuster paper, made even more amazing by the anti-stem cell therapy climate that exists in the FDA and the institutionalized funding favoritism that embryonic stem cells, having no therapeutic value whatsoever, have enjoyed for far too long”.

As the paper goes on to state: “It is hoped that our report may be a beneficial starting point for physicians considering this new approach to disease, and helpful also to regulatory agencies seeking to advance policy for the benefit of patients.”

Yes, and hopefully the US may begin to catch up to the rest of the world!!

The citation for the paper published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Medical Research is here, and you can click on the Title for the full report:

Comella K., Parlo M, Daly R, Depasquale V, Edgerton E, Mallory P, Schmidt R, Drake WP: Safety Analysis of Autologous Stem Cell Therapy in a Variety of Degenerative Diseases and Injuries Using the Stromal Vascular Fraction. J Clin Med Res 2017: 9(11): 935-942

Dr. Comella also narrates a helpful video about the paper and highlights important points:


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